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Professional Experience

  • Physiotherapist & Osteopath in private practice
    • Managing patients with musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and rheumatological conditions.
    • Practice in extracorporeal shock waves, Imoove, and virtual reality.


  • Motor preferences of athletes applied to riders
  • Management of COPD and adult respiratory conditions
  • Practice in extracorporeal shock waves and High Power Laser
  • Physiotherapy and Virtual Reality (VIRTUALIS)
  • Visceral Osteopathy (IFBO)
  • Diploma in Osteopathy from the Franco-British Institute of Osteopathy
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
  • Sports Physiotherapy
  • Muscle tension release and manual therapy
  • State Diploma in Physiotherapy (DE)


  • Strong knowledge in specific mobilization and associated physiotherapy practices
  • Supervision of student interns from partner IFMK institutions
  • Communication with healthcare partners
  • Intervention and presentation at physiotherapy conferences


Cabinet de masseur kinésithérapeute
3 avenue de Castries bis
34820 Teyran, France

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