Guided DolorClast® Therapy - high performance for your practice
Maximize treatment outcomes
The right technologies with the right energies to address 90% of all major musculoskeletal disorders with success.
Transform patient experiences
The ally to provide pain-free experience and restore patients’ confidence in their recovery.
Boost practice success
The partner in care to boost your practice productivity, visibility, and profitability.
Guided DolorClast® Therapy in winter sports - testimonials from Swiss bobsledders
Field reports from the treatment of Swiss winter sports athletes by Felix Zimmermann (MAS Sports physiotherapy). He is a member of the EMS expert group that has made a major contribution to the development of Guided DolorClast® Therapy.
Groundbreaking new study shows the superiority of DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves
High energy output at all frequencies: EMS DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves shows superior performances to Storz Medical MasterPulse® 200 ultra.
Get in touch with us for a demonstration in your clinic
Are you interested in a DolorClast® device, but you are unsure of how it would fit your daily practice?
Contact us for a free demo in your clinic.