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Short Biography:

  • Education at Bethesda Spital HF Basel, University of Salzburg
  • 2001: Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy Amanda Gale – Cairns
  • 2002-2005: Merian Iselin Clinic – Basel
  • 2006-2014: Praxisklinik Rennbahn AG – Muttenz, Head Physiotherapist
  • 2013: Founder and Owner of
  • Head Physiotherapist of the Northwestern Swiss Wrestling Association
  • Member of the Medical Team Swiss Sliding
  • Athletic Trainer in Magglingen for Swiss Ski National Team (Det Komp SpS, Voluntary Service)
  • Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland BZG
  • Vice President of SART (Swiss Working Group for Rehabilitation Training)
  • Member of Physioswiss, SVSP, GOTS, SGSM


Altius Swiss Sportmed Center
Habich-Dietschy-Strasse 5A
4310 Rheinfelden, Switzerland

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