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02 - DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves
DolorClast® Radial Shock Waves
Radial Shock Wave Therapy: An Alternative Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis
If you are living with osteoarthritis, you may be looking for ways to manage the pain and improve your quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition, but treatment options are available. Radial shock wave therapy (RSWT) is a non-invasive option that can help you with pain relief and regain a good quality of life. Unlike most other pain relief solutions, RSWT does not provoke unwanted effects. You need to consult a medical professional to determine the most appropriate treatment options for you, including RSWT. With the right treatment plan, you can take control of your osteoarthritis and improve your daily life.

What should you expect during a radial shock wave therapy session?
Radial shock wave therapy typically requires 3-5 sessions for optimal results. Your practitioner will thoroughly explain the process to you. During the session, you may hear the machine in operation and may feel some discomfort as the shock wave energy is delivered to the targeted area. This discomfort signifies that the treatment is working and that enough energy is being applied to promote healing. Your practitioner will adjust the intensity level to make it as comfortable as possible for you.
Is it possible that radial shock wave therapy may not have the desired effect in some cases?
Several factors can affect the effectiveness of radial shock wave therapy (RSWT) treatment. These include:
- Insufficient treatment sessions: RSWT is typically administered in several sessions, typically 3 to 5 sessions over the course of several weeks. If you haven't received enough treatment sessions, it may not have had enough time to work effectively
- Inadequate application or technique by the practitioner: The effectiveness of RSWT may also depend on the practitioner's skill and experience in applying the treatment.
- Specific device and its energy output: It is important to note that the effectiveness of RSWT treatment may also depend on the specific device and its energy output. Some devices on the market may not deliver enough energy to produce optimal results.