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Lead physiotherapist Mike Kennedy is a highly specialised Chartered Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist having had 8 years of involvement in the Physiotherapy industry, working across a number of environments including the NHS, Private Sector and Professional Sport. Mike holds a Bsc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree and an MSc in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. He is also a member of the Health & Care Professions Council and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

One of Mike’s keen interests is the transfer of physiotherapy practice into functional activity and sport. In order to accomplish this, all patients are screened to identify movement dysfunction and areas of weakness. A structured rehabilitation programme focusing on the injury coupled with a global conditioning programme, not only provides symptom relief and recovery, but also ensures that the patient does not breakdown once returning to their chosen activity.


Mike Kennedy Chartered Physiotherapy
Macdonald Kilhey Court‎, Chorley Road
WN1 2XN Wigan, United Kingdom

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