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Academic Background

2018 | Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University | Master's Degree in Neurophysiotherapy

2014 | Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University | Bachelor's Degree in Physiotherapy

2009 | Ramon Llull University | Postgraduate in Pediatric Physiotherapy

2008 | Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University | Diploma in Physiotherapy

Professional Experience

2021 - Present | FCS Blanquerna | Coordinator of 3rd and 4th Year Physiotherapy Internships

2018 - 2022 | FCS Blanquerna | Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Pediatric Physiotherapy

2018 - 2021 | FCS Blanquerna | Coordinator of 2nd Year Physiotherapy Internships

2011 - Present | FCS Blanquerna | External Practice Lecturer | Supervision of Physiotherapy Interns

2008 - Present | Aspace Catalunya Foundation | Physiotherapist | Physiotherapist for Outpatient Care Services


Universitat Ramon Llull Blanquerna
C. Padilla 326-332
08025 Barcelona, Spain

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